Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Carving and Jack-o-Lantern Exhibition.

Saturday we were invited to our friends for their 11th annual pumpkin carving party and subsequent jack-o-lantern art exhibition.  This event has grown over the years and commands about 50 friends and family to gather along the banks of Pilchuck Creek bringing their favorite recipe for an afternoon of fall fun and merriment.


I brought two delicious recipes, both inspired by my amazing and talented sister.    

This yummy pumpkin cupcake with maple cream cheese frosting, which I altered to make into mini cupcakes and added a sprinkle of freshly grated nutmeg.  


And an addicting version of the traditional Chex Mix, which includes, Doritos, Cheetos, Fritos, and Potato Stix.   

DSC_9909 I also made some cute treat bags for those who wanted to take some Chex for the road.

There were pumpkins everywhere and as people started arriving they instinctively began the hunt for the perfect pumpkin to carve.


The bonfire was in full blaze, the deck and cider pressing were mostly undercover and we were all dressed for the traditional October rain.  It sprinkled on and off but no one seemed to mind, although all the kiddos did look like they had taken in dip in the creek by the end of the night.


Soon the artists, little and big, took hold of markers, carving tools and scrapers and started creating.   Some drew their design of choice carefully planning each cut.


While others just started carving, their design unfolding in front of them with each new cut they made.


The day was filled with friendships, kids playing soccer, groups taking turns pressing sweet cider, and all enjoying a leisurely meal, toasting blessings and appreciating the opportunity to gather and celebrate life.

Friends walked down to the creek,


and gathered around the fire pit.


We sampled hot chili and cornbread, soups, homemade mac-n-cheese, decadent chocolate cake, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin cupcakes, and a generous buffet that as the day went on, steadily disappeared. 


And the setting, as always, is beautiful.


And this little seedum was artwork all by itself, spilling out of its pot begging to be noticed and demanding a private photo shoot.




A few hours later the pumpkin gallery opened and these once still life gourds came alive with wild personality.  Some happy and some frightening but all living out their dream of becoming a masterpiece fit for the season.


And once the sun had set, the night sky became the perfect backdrop to display their illuminated glow.


Thank you John and Brenda, of Circle Creek Home, we had an amazing time as always.

Long live my love of fall.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend of finding beauty in the unexpected and celebrating your one wild and precious life!

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